Sunday, April 24, 2016

Monkey's Paw Economics --- steal this book title

I was [thinking]( about Mises's values-free approach to policy and economic-advocacy, ie: suitability analysis, which he undertook so successfully in Austria as a policy analyst in his various capacities, and there occurred to me a good popular-analogy to explain this approach. Suitability analysis of Austrian economics shows the disconnect between means and ends, and is very similar to the popular trope of the [Monkey's Paw](, or another way to put it is [Be Careful What You Wish For]( It is through suitability analysis that we can show two things, both how and why the means of the mainstream cannot achieve their policy ends, and secondarily what ends a policy is in fact likely to achieve and thus often make the very problem worse that was aimed at being improved or solved. I think with this analogy we have a good hook into the mind and interest of the average reader, and this theme could be developed strongly for a popular audience with the kinds of examples that Austrian economists have long developed over the years. But, as I am not credentialed and otherwise busy, I hope one of you will be inspired by this and take it up. Cheers :)
