Monday, August 17, 2015

Is there an "Austrian debunk" anywhere for Krugman's texts?

I am doubtful but figure it can't hurt to ask. I ain't knockin' on the textbooks that hard -- I hear the micro book is understandably free from Keynesian bias, and the macro book has more than a few decent aspects too. I have no problem with other points of view; in fact, although I am conceptually quite sympathetic, I haven't done enough reading to decide to what extent I agree with what I know of every aspect of the Austrian school. Instead, it has more to do with the fact that although I didn't read them with an uncritical eye, the macro certainly does have at least some bias, and there's the chance I may have absorbed opinion as fact--and that's never good, but especially unfortunate when talking about such a intellectually bankrupt figure as Krugman.
