Thursday, December 3, 2015

The benefits outweigh the costs of holding bitcoins for the Central Bank of Barbados

Past performance does not guarantee future performance. I'm long bitcoin, like many here; but I certainly don't thing the tens-of-thousands of percent gains over bitcoin's early life are indicative of the future. I mean, on day 0 bitcoins are worth zero, if on day 1 they're worth anything, then that's an infinite growth percentage, right? It's gibberish though. Bitcoin was bootstrapping then, and it's not going to bootstrap again. It's the equivalent of the saleman who tells his boss he's the best on the team because his sales have increased 500%. Last year he sold 1, this year he sold 5. His colleague last year sold 1001, and this year sold 1005 -- a pathetic 0.5% growth, fire that second guy, right?
- kingofthejaffacakes
