Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Actual income tax protesters

How can a person go about protesting against the income tax? I agree that it's unconstitutional, but everywhere I go all that anyone ever says is OH YOU JUST BETTER NOT MR. MAN THEY'LL GITCHA and I would really like to study more real-life examples of people who have legitimately escaped that dreaded tax form, it feels unnatural for me to fill that thing out, I want to opt out. Awfully sad about Irwin Schiff, I am very curious about how one might realistically be able to live an income-tax free life. I agree that it's best just to pay your taxes, but I think I also recall someone mentioning at some point something to the effect of becoming so self-sustainable that your yearly income is low enough that they can't tax it, and I think that number is <$9500 if I'm correct. If so, my current yearly income is awfully close to that number, $10816/yr working part time making $208/wk yet I still manage to pay my own rent, cellphone, utilities, gas, groceries, and health and vehicle insurance without a credit card. Maybe I could furlough myself once I made $9499.99? I wish I knew of more real-life examples of people who've walked away from the system successfully a.l.a. Ghandi, I imagine Peter Schiff listeners are pretty smart though, is there anyone else worth looking into who isn't Irwin Schiff? I'm not trying to get assraped in prison but I could totally live comfortably in an RV that I paid cash for. There's got to be plenty of things that I can legally do under the table to earn extra income without it being on the books via CraigsList or a Farmer's Market or whatever.
