Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"What it Takes to Make a Decent Living Raising Ethical Meat" If you care to study the control of externalities in food industry.

The [article](http://ift.tt/1eVzLX3) is short enough, but notice there are two books. 1. *[Farms with a Future](http://ift.tt/1CNEuFB)* was written first and is apparently a series of interviews and observations. 2. *[The New Livestock Farmer: The Business of Raising and Selling Ethical Meat](http://ift.tt/1OuHMyB)* seems to me to have more appeal for theoretical study, since it is a derivative work which makes a point to address how things should be done, nothow others are doing them. When we discuss externalities in food production, we can talk about the effects on resources, animals, food products, consumers, and the competitive market. I hope to be able to find someone who can communicate clearly the weight I place on social matters as externalities, or develop that message myself. It is one thing to remark on industrial animal farms as inefficient, but another to say when they replace more local food production it has more human detractions. The second message may win us more friends, allies, and converts. (edit: both books are available on Amazon. I think there is a 25% discount when you sign up for the publisher's mailing list when bought through the Chelsea Green site.)

link: http://ift.tt/1CNEuFD