Monday, July 20, 2015

Study: Uber twice as fast, half as expensive


Disclaimer: >Even though Uber had no control over our data analysis or interpretation, the fact that Uber paid for the study makes some skepticism about our results natural and proper. We will happily share our data and methods with other research teams for re-analysis and replication.

I don't need a study for this. It's obvious to ANYONE who lives in a big city.
- atl2ptown

From the comments: >With Uber, all the vig goes overseas, and so it's de facto outsourcing. Where the hell do they get that idea?
- ChaosMotor

>Would it hold after dark? Come one, you didn't tested at night?
- Fenris_uy

Things get cheaper when you can offload the externalities onto someone else. Next we'll find out that electricity produced without environmental regulations is cheaper. Shocker.
- slash196

This is garbage. Surge pricing, and the fact that most of their drivers don't really know their way around the city in which they live all but render this "study" as nothing more than utter nonsense.
- tdogg241