Sunday, July 19, 2015

No, billionaires don’t drive economic growth – and crony billionaires strangle it


Has this been posted before?
- KcHound

Tell that to the "Men who built America" We would be no where without visionaries like: -Carnagie -Bill Gates -Benjamin Franklin - Cornelius and William Vanderbilt -Henry Ford
- AverageSloth

Yeaahhhh, biased sources aren't exactly the best source for an honest discussion on economics.
- cuteman

The guardian's obsession with wealth is only matched by the DM'S obsession with house prices or immigration. I can only assume they're so anti-money because they find it so difficult to make any....
- physicist100

the Guardian is a trash news site
- MoreHtsThnSadaharuOh

We know it is consumers and consumer spending that drives growth. So why do people believe businesses are job creators? Corporations job creators? or drive growth?
- [deleted]