Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Lesson From the Greek Crisis: Safe Deposit Boxes Are Not Safe


Bitcoin's intrinsic value really becomes apparent when capital controls are implemented.
- wserd

> These repressive financial measures, which were invented by "Hitler's banker" Hjalmar Schacht in the 1930s, include the closing of banks, limiting cash withdrawals from ATMs to ATMS didn't exist until the 60s...
- zcc0nonA

I used to have a box but closed it a few years controls will be coming everywhere in the next few years...get prepared.
- BitsenBytes

How is this not FUD in reverse? Bitcoin is a cool technology, and you don't have to be an economic doomsday cultist to appreciate it. It's not unreasonable to store cash in banks or deposit boxes in huge swaths of the world, and inciting panic about the current system is a crude means of advocating for your alternative.
- coelomate

I have cold storage in my box, but I've moved or spent just about all of it already. I'm leaving it in there as a 'fuck you' if they ever confiscate my flash drive and snoop the contents.
- platinum_rhodium

I didn't ever think that storing something important to me in the hands of someone else was safe or smart. I did it once when I deployed to Iraq. I trusted a private service off-post more than I did the army. Turned out the Army service was pristine for those who used it, but the storage was cheap, too.
- paulmadore

If you don't have direct and 100% control, then you have no control.
- btcfun